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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Redefining Sensuality to Negate the Big L

“L”… as in loser… not an identity, but separated from abundance. When we define sensuality as sexuality, we limit our life’s potential, limiting our world’s potential by creating imbalance and stagnation. In western society, sensuality is portrayed as sexy, nude or scantily clad women.  There’s beauty there, but no wonder many experience disconnection or disaffection when they don’t fit this one-size-fits-all depiction.

The origin of the word sensuality comes from the word sense, as in “the five senses; feelings or perceptions.” See how much we’ve been ignoring? Think of the taste of chocolate, melting in your mouth, the sound of waves crashing, feeling a soft breeze or sweet caress, sights of sunset kissing the day goodbye with palettes of divine wonder, the smell of honeysuckle or cookies calling us home. Isn’t this also sensual?

Expanding our sensuality to encompass our senses and internalize its energy through our sacral chakra offers tremendous power. Yes, the sacral chakra is related to our sexual energy, but there’s so much more that we’re missing: our ability to flow and adapt, our sense of play, imagination, emotions, creativity… connection. Through yoga, awareness and meditation we can look beyond society’s norm and embrace our full potential.  Redefine sensuality and refine this sacred energy to enjoy a brighter spectrum of abundance ― empowering our lives and our world, together.

Michelle Lee is an artist and workshop facilitator practicing in the Poconos, Wyoming and Lehigh Valleys of PA. For more information visit or call 570-443-7777. 

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