Feb 28, 2019 01:44AM
National Creative Arts Therapies Week is March 10 through 16. Many may not know this but creative arts therapists (dance/movement, music, ar...
The composition of our voice collects energy from everything, positive or negative ,that has happened to us. Trauma can impact the voice phy...
Walking can injure, and often does. Walking correctly and ergonomically has many benefits. It can actually prevent injury and pain, rejuvena...
This spring’s Empowered Light Holistic Expo is just around the corner, running from 4 to 9 p.m., April 26, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., April 27 a...
The concept of healing with color will be new to many people but it is an ancient therapeutic technique that is now being revived. By dividi...
Whiplash is a sprain or strain of the cervical spine and spinal cord at the junction of the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae. Symptoms of...
This isn’t a dress rehearsal so we need to show up on the stage of life ready to go into action as soon as the curtain goes up.
Mar 01, 2018 07:32PM
Teenagers that eat few leafy greens are at triple the risk for enlargement of the heart’s left ventricle, reducing blood pumping volumes, than teens that eat greens.
Walking, dancing, gardening and other physical activities significantly improve brain volume and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Malaysian subjects with gastrointestinal problems had less pain, vomiting and sleep loss when receiving an ayurvedic remedy known as Indian gooseberry.
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Natural Awakenings Magazine Greater Lehigh Valley and Far West NJ