Aug 31, 2018 11:51AM ● By Judith Fertig
The newly popular five-compartment bento boxes make packing a nutritious child’s lunch easy plus allow for fun twists.
Jul 31, 2018 01:13PM
A diet rich in fish, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, legumes and olive oil significantly lowered the risk of aggressive prostate cancer in older Spanish men.
May 31, 2018 11:43AM ● By Judith Fertig
Rather than popping a pill, eating certain foods can kick-start hormones that help us get a long, deep night’s sleep.
May 31, 2018 11:41AM
Two studies have found that mangoes fight inflammation and have properties useful in treating gastrointestinal disease.
In separate studies, virgin coconut oil, walnut oil and camlina oil improved cholesterol levels, making them good alternatives to olive oil.
Mar 30, 2018 12:56PM
When overweight Danes exchanged refined grain products such as white bread and pasta for whole-grain equivalents, they tended to feel full sooner, eat less, lose weight and have less inflammation.
Mar 30, 2018 12:17PM ● By Judith Fertig
A new word in the food vocabulary—climatarian—points to rising global interest in eating in ways that reduce the impact of our diet on our beleaguered planet.
Mar 01, 2018 07:32PM
Teenagers that eat few leafy greens are at triple the risk for enlargement of the heart’s left ventricle, reducing blood pumping volumes, than teens that eat greens.
Jan 31, 2018 01:04PM
People that make breakfast their largest meal of the day have lower body mass, while those that make dinner the biggest meal are likely to weigh more, a recent study concluded.
Jan 31, 2018 12:39PM ● By Judith Fertig
Yum! The perfect Valentine Day’s meal can easily include the healthiest foods for our hearts—starting with dark chocolate!
Natural Awakenings Magazine Greater Lehigh Valley and Far West NJ